
Blacksmith “Kovačija pri Kovaču”


Opening hours:

Every day by appointment

You can also find us 150m lower on the way to Podvelka - Trgovina gostilna Uran


Gsm: (+386) 051 635 171 (Tinca)

Gsm: (+386) 051 354 880 (Ivanka)

Address: Janževski vrh 75, 2363 Podvelka


Blacksmith: "Kovačija pri Kovaču" - connects the past and opens a new path into the future.
Our visitors can experience genuine contact with the fire, work, and traditional blacksmith food. They can even participate in the making of their souvenirs as real blacksmiths.
Next to the Blacksmith office :), there is a meadow that attracts visitors in the summer to relax and relieve stress.

Here is positive energy! You can feel it in every corner of the surrounding area of the blacksmith forge. We have a stream that comes down from the Pohorje. Its freshwater passes by the meadow and flows into the valley. Especially in summer, visitors get into the water to feel its drops that refresh their bodies.
You will admire nature from any perspective. Here is also a 200 years old linden tree, that keeps the stories from the past.

When a day turns into night, we invite our visitors into the blacksmith's room to rest on the restored bed, once used by the blacksmith Kovač.
We will prepare you terrific homemade drinks, that our Tinca is making from the herbs of her garden. They will relax you, and you will sleep like a baby.

Even the youngest will find something for themselves here. Children can play with pig Edi, chicken Čopka, dog Arron, a cat named Stan, and bunnies who live near the blacksmith Kovač.


We accept cash only.